Quang Duc Pham, MSc

Das Foto zeigt Alumnus Quang Duc Pham.

Degree programme: Electrical Engineering

Graduation year: 2020

Employer: Robert Bosch GmbH

Position: Development Engineer

What‘s your nicest memory of Braunschweig and do you have a favorite place?

Group learning in the university library, the Grotrian and the E-Tower; student rep work and voluntary activities; parties ;)


Reasons why the TU Braunschweig is a great place to study:

Cooperation within the department and freedom in everyday life.


Describe the time of your studies in 3 words:

  • student representation
  • lab work
  • electrical engineering

Which contents of your studies can you still use in your career today?

In terms of subject matter, many areas from my studies are actually reflected in my work. However, what helped me the most were various communication skills that I acquired in parallel to my studies.


Are you still in touch with former fellow students? Do you see each other and if so, how often?

Yes, every 1-3 months.


What advice would you give current students for their personal career planning?

  1.  Find out your own interests at an early stage by taking advantage of the various offers at the university.
  2.  Network, network, network. Sounds strange, but it's true. You need various communication skills for this, which you can acquire in parallel to your studies through voluntary work.
  3. Don't stress too much about the "one" career ;). - Enjoy your studies at the TU Braunschweig! I loved it.

In one sentence - In the future I wish the TU Braunschweig:

 ... a strong student body and a university management that caters to students' concerns and needs.

My Braunschweig alma mater and its students are welcome to contact me for:

  • Guest talks on industry insights and doing a PhD in cooperation with a company

  • Information about my professional field and tasks

  • Sharing experience in connection with application processes and career start

  • Role as TU Braunschweig "ambassador"