Anna Schönwald, M.Sc.

Das Portraitfoto zeigt die Alumna Anna Schönwald.
Das Portraitfoto zeigt die Alumna Anna Schönwald.

Degree programme: Technology-Oriented Management

Graduation year: 2015

Employer: NABU e.V.

Position: Senior Policy Advisor Resource Politics

What‘s your nicest memory of Braunschweig and do you have a favorite place?

I have fond memories of lovely afternoons in the park, along or on the Oker, and the opportunity to go everywhere by bike.


Reasons why the TU Braunschweig is a great place to study:

Practice-orientated studies with many options in terms of specialisations and additional courses on a great campus.


Describe the time of your studies in 3 words:

  • Community
  • Flexibility
  • Excitement

Which contents of your studies can you still use in your career today?

In contrast to my first 3 years of work, in which I was able to apply the content of the Lean Management and Factory Management courses almost directly in my day-to-day work, I have now distanced myself considerably from the actual contents of the study programme. I was, however, influenced by my studies and approach things in a certain way. My work is most closely linked to my former focus areas Environmental Management and Life Cycle Management, but a lot of knowledge I apply today was acquired in and parallel to later jobs.


Are you still in touch with former fellow students? Do you see each other and if so, how often?

Yes, even though there are no regular group meetings and people are now very scattered, I maintain individual friendships. Perhaps the 10-year anniversary will be an occasion to organise a larger meeting. :)


What advice would you give current students for their personal career planning?

  1. Don't plan too much, let things come to you and try out everything that you find interesting.

  2. Your "career" doesn't have to be straightforward; you can change your mind at any time and choose a different path to follow your interests and passions.

In one sentence - In the future I wish the TU Braunschweig:

Continued flexibility and application references in teaching (possibly also for contexts other than the private manufacturing sector) and a pleasant learning atmosphere for the students.

My Braunschweig alma mater and its students are welcome to contact me for:

  • Guest talks and professional expertise on resource policy, mining, climate change adaptation

  • Information about my professional field and tasks

  • Sharing experience in connection with application processes and career start

You may contact me via