Student theses have the aim of applying the skills and methods learned during the course of your studies in a scientifically sound manner. Our aim is to provide you with various scientific theses based on current topics from research and practice.
If you are interested, please contact the corresponding supervisor.
To download the Design guidelines and the PowerPoint template, a registration with the GITZ-ID is required.
The aim of the Colloquium in Production and Logistics is to provide a platform for the presentation and the critical discussion of scientific findings.
Presentations for bachelor theses and student research projects should not exceed a duration of 15 minutes. For master theses a maximal duration of 20 minutes is foreseen. Each Presentation is followed by a five-minute discussion and ten-minutes discussion, respectively.
The colloquium is held regularly according to the current demand. For detailed information on the schedule, place and topics please consult the following event in Stud.IP.