Exam review in the summer term 2022 - advanced exams

The exam review will take place on 28.10.2022 in room ZI 24.2. You can find more detailed information about the registration and the procedure of the examination review in the StudIP event created for this purpose.

In order to participate in the exam review, you must assign yourself to one of the groups within this StudIP event in the period 10.10.2022-21.10.2022. Participation without prior registration via StudIP is not possible.


The exam reviews are expected to take place at the beginning of the upcoming winter term. More detailed information on registration and the procedure of the exam inspections will be published on our website under "News" and "Exams" in the coming weeks.

In some cases, an individual inspection may take place in advance. Exceptions apply only to the following special cases:

  • You have not passed the exam and it was your 3rd attempt
  • You have not passed the exam and you need the credit points for the registration of a thesis (Bachelor or Master thesis)
  • You have not passed the exam and it is the last exam in your studies (enrollment is to end this semester)

If one of the special cases mentioned above applies to you, you can send an informal request for examination inspection including proof of the special case to the following address: aip-pl-klausur(at)aip-pl.tu-braunschweig.de