Date of the post-exam review of the advanced Bachelor and Master exams in Production and Logistics (summer term 2021)

The post-exam review on the Advanced Bachelor and Master exams in Production and Logistics from summer term 2021 takes place on November 5, 2021 from 11.30 to 14:30 in room ZI 24.2 (“Grotrian”). In order to avoid particularly high crowds at certain peak times, the post-exam review will take place in time slots of 30 minutes. The registration is conducted via Stud.IP. For this purpose, you have to register in the following Stud.IP event:

Prüfungseinsicht der Bachelor- und Mastervertiefung in Produktion und Logistik aus dem Sommersemester 2021

Registration period: From October 18, 8.00 a.m. to October 29, 12.00 a.m.

Please register for the post-exam review in a time slot under "Participants" -> "Groups". A subsequent registration is NOT possible! Early appearance at your time slot is necessary due to admission controls!

Due to the regulations of the TU Braunschweig regarding the corona pandemic, we are obliged to conduct the post-exam review following the existing hygiene regulations. The following requirements must be observed:

  • Please bring a declaration of absence of suspected corona infection ("Selbsterklärung") to the post-exam review. Alternatively, you can also use the Intake-System for 3G verification. You can access the formular under the following link:

  • In order to participate in the post-exam review, you have to present a negative antigen rapid or PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 (not older than 24h). A vaccination certificate with full vaccination protection can be presented as an alternative.

  • A medical face mask obligation applies in the buildings of the TU Braunschweig. After entering and until leaving the building, a medical face mask (OP mask or FFP2 mask) must be worn. The mask must also be worn during your post-exam review.

  • A minimum distance of 1,5 meters from other students must be ensured at all times. Please also ensure the distance before and after the room.

Students without registration at Stud.IP, without a valid declaration (“Selbsterklärung”) or Intake verification as well as without proof of a negative test or a valid vaccination certificate will be excluded from the post-exam review and will NOT be allowed to participate!