Dr. Christian Thies receives Jacqueline Bloemhof PhD Thesis Award of the EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains

At this year’s Sustainable Supply Chain Conference, organized by the EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains, Dr. Christian Thies, Research Group Leader at the Chair of Production and Logistics, was honored for his dissertation “Sustainability assessment of products with global supply chains”. For the first time, the PhD Thesis Award was named after Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Bloemhof this year. Professor Bloemhof, who passed away in Summer 2020, was a pioneer in the field of sustainable supply chains research and one of the founders of the EURO Working Group.

Prof. Dr. Thomas S. Spengler also participated in the two-day conference as expert in a roundtable discussion on “Challenges in Sustainable Supply Chains”. Due do the pandemic, the conference could not take in Lisbon, as originally planned, but had to be held in a digital format.