Faculty 3

Personnel matters of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Dean's office of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences (Mrs. Hasselfeld)
Bet Tfila Research Centre for Jewish Architecture (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute of Applied Mechanics (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Architecture-Related Art (Mrs. Hasselfeld)
Institute for Building History (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture (Mr. von Echten)
Institute for Building Construction (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute of Building Construction and Timber Structures (Mr. von Echten)
Institute of Building Materials, Concrete Construction and Fire Safety (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Preservation of Structures (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Construction Engineering and Management (Mrs. Kupfer)
Institute of Railway Systems Engineering and Traffic Safety (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Design and Building Design (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Design and Architectural Strategies (Mrs. Bohn)
Institute of Architectural Design (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Experimental Design (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry (Mrs. Kupfer)
Institute for Geomechanics and Geotechnics (Mrs. Kupfer)
Institute of Geoecology (Mrs. Hasselfeld​​​​​​)
Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication (Mrs. Hasselfeld​​​​​​)
Institute of History and Theory of Architecture and the City (Mrs. Bohn​​​​​​​)
Institute for Methodologies of Design and Representation (before: Institute of Media and Design) (Mrs. Bohn​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​)
​​​​​​​Institute for Infrastructure and Real Estate Management (Mrs. Kupfer)
Institute for Structural Design, Industrial and Health Construction (Mrs. Bohn​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​)
Institute for Landscape Architecture (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute for Sustainable Urbanism (Mrs. Hasselfeld)
Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering (Mrs. Bohn​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​)
Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (Mrs. Jonscher​​​​​​​)
Institute for Urbanism and Design Methodology (Mrs. Jonscher)
Institute of Steel Structures (Mrs. Jonscher​​​​​​​)
Institute of Structural Analysis (Mr. von Echten​​​​​​​)
ISBS - Braunschweig Pavement Engineering Centre (Mrs. Jonscher​​​​​​​)
Institute for Structural Design (Mr. von Echten​​​​​​​)
Institute of Transportation and Urban Engineering (Mrs. Jonscher​​​​​​​)
Institute of Transport, Railway Construction and Operation (Mrs. Jonscher​​​​​​​)
Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources (Mrs. Bohn​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​)