Photo competition "Fernweh" for TU students 2023

The five winner with Erasmus+ University Coordinator Francesco Ducatelli (2nd from left) and Amro Bay, AStA board member and jury member.

A stay abroad is a great opportunity to discover the world during your studies and to grow personally and professionally. Many TU students have already embarked on the adventure of a semester abroad. To give them the chance to share their experiences with others and perhaps to motivate them to spend a semester abroad as well, the International House launched a photo competition with the motto "Fernweh" (wanderlust).

The competition was aimed at enrolled students at TU Braunschweig who did a study-related stay abroad in the winter semester 2022/23 or summer semester 2023. From over 75 submitted photos, the jury selected the 5 winning photos, which were awarded prizes and can be seen on the 1st floor of the International House.

We would like to thank all students for their participation and the many great photos submitted!

The five winning photos

1st place: Annika Traub - Sweden
1st place: Kay Schirin Möbius - Mexico
3rd place: Mattis Oberwestberg - Sweden
4th place: Frederike Bossy - Austria
5th place: Hannah Stücke - Sweden

Texts describing the 5 winning photos