The Career Service is there to help you with a smooth transition from university into the world of work!
We facilitate employer contacts and insights into specific areas of work. We also offer a range of counseling and training opportunities to prepare you for your entrance into the job market!
Looking for a student job? Eager to gather some practical experience? Or simply ready to enter the job market? Then have a look at our two job boards: Stellenticket, listing current vacancies from companies and research institutions, and Jobicco, listing simple part-time jobs that earn you a few Euro on the side!
It is our goal to contribute to the development of employability on the part of the students, Ph.D. candidates, and alumni of TU Braunschweig. To achieve this we partner with companies, professional trainers, and colleagues within the universities. Thus, we cordially invite companies and other employers to allow our users insights into today's world of work and to present job requirements and opportunities.
Regular surveys and evaluation practice help us to develop and offer a service that is tailored to the sepcific needs and expectations of our users. We welcome, in particular, direct feedack and input – from students as well as companies.