Software reliability and functional safety

Qualification goals

This lecture fulfills the requirements specified in VDI Guideline 4002-6 "Software Reliability".

After having successfully completed this module, students are able to explain and apply in simple cases the substantiated basic knowledge as well as application-oriented methodological and tool knowledge for the development of reliable software and especially for safety-critical systems. First of all, this contains that the students can discuss the progress in information and communication technology, its use for the implementation of safety-critical functions and the increased normative requirements on the basis of case studies. They can also explain connections to the difficulties frequently presented in the press that arise in the development of complex technical systems. Based on this fundamental problem, students can specify and explain the definition and the characteristics of software reliability and explain its relation to functional safety with the help of current examples. On this basis, they can reflect and explain the requirements for the specification, verification, validation and approval of software.


  • Aspects of developing reliable software as an essential component of complex, especially safety-critical systems
  • Specification, implementation and testing in practice
  • SW reliability and its relation to functional safety at the system level
  • Implementation of the normative requirements for functional safety in practice
  • The relationship between SW reliability, functional safety, safety case management and approval requirements
  • Digital control systems
