Apply now and become a correspondent!

[Aktuelles, Auslandspraktikum, Auslandsstudium, Aktuelles]

The "studieren weltweit" programme is aimed at all students who will be going abroad from July 2025 and would like to share their experiences. Anyone who is interested can apply until 01 May 2025.

“Studieren weltweit” is looking for students who are studying or doing an internship or language course abroad from June 2025 and would like to capture this time as a correspondent on social media. As a correspondent, you will report on your everyday life abroad and share with other students what you experience abroad or give tips that you would have liked to have received yourself.

You will be provided with a smartphone for your coverage and receive a monthly fee. Furthermore, you will be supervised by professional editors during your stay. 

There will also be a preparatory workshop in advance, where you will get to know all the correspondents and receive training together on topics such as video production, photography, Instagram and TikTok. 

The application deadline is 01 May 2025. 

All further information and requirements can be found here.