Discover… The Basketball Löwen Braunschweig

06 November 2024, 19:15 [Austauschstudierende, Incoming Students, Aktuelles]

Join us as we cheer for the local basketball club, the Basketball Löwen Braunschweig, in an exciting international game!

The Basketball Löwen Braunschweig are competing in the international tournament "FIBA Euro Cup 2024/2025" this season, and we are joining in! Would you like to cheer for the Löwen at the Volkswagen Halle and experience an exciting basketball game together with the International Student Support and other international students? Then sign up!

Opponent: Either BC Trepca (KOS) or Keravnos BC (CYP)


  • For the excursion you have to pay 4 Euro (seat). You can pay the fee during the opening hours at the Study Service Centre at table 4.
  • Attention: Registration via Stud.ip is required: Please register here