Mechanical Engineering at the TU Braunschweig
The bachelor and master degree courses Mechanical Engineering were established in the winter semester 2008/09 in accordance with the Bologna Process. They are intended for prospective students interested in science and mathematics and provide the students with knowledge from different fields, so they are able to find technical solutions for all sorts of problems and issues. 25 institutes offer study and research facilities and the students learn about all aspects of modern mechanical engineering, from bioprocess and automotive engineering to aerospace engineering, from micro-technology and mechatronics to robotics and machine tools. The comprehensive studies therefore provide the students with excellent career opportunities.
Application & Information - International office
In the first semesters of the six-semester bachelor degree course, the students learn about theoretical bases and methods and the courses lay the foundation for further study and research. The topics range from mathematics, mechanics, materials science and basics of design to electrical engineering, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics and therefore provide the students with a wide range of knowledge.
In the following semesters, the students can choose their focus (specialisation modules and supplementary subjects) according to their personal interests. They can also choose subjects outside the degree course in order to improve interdisciplinary working, which is a key qualification of modern engineers. In the fourth semester, the students choose an area of specialisation from the following:
Furthermore, the course of study also includes lab work and the bachelor thesis.
The admission regulations (Zulassungsordnung) for bachelor degree course Mechanical engineering you find on the webpage for students (Bachlor degree course Mechanical Engineering).
The four-semester master degree courses are based on the bachelor degree courses offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering:
The master degree course Mechanical Engineering comprises all other areas of specialisation.
The admission regulations (Zulassungsordnung) for master degree course Mechanical engineering.
Individual specialisation is possible in every area of specialisation. Lab work, optional and interdisciplinary modules are also part of the curriculum to provide the students with a broad range of knowledge for their career as an engineer.
Webpage for students (Master degree course Mechanical Engineering)