Opportunities for Students


The interdisciplinary module Was mit Medien [Something with Media] promotes competences for a knowledgeable and conscientious use of media and digital tools in everyday life.

Chatting, posting selfies, reading the news, or attending online lectures - we are surrounded by media, always and everywhere. Understanding and using media in everyday life is an important skill in all areas of life. That is why we offer a wide range of courses on digital literacy and future skills in interdisciplinary qualifications under the title Something with Media. Students of all disciplines learn about media-theoretical perspectives and the use of digital tools and media when living and working in digitalised fields.

How to Co-Work. Collaboration in Your Studies and Beyond.


How to Co-Work. Collaboration in Your Studies and Beyond. Seminar in the summer semester 2023 | during the semester | 3 CP | Fridays 12:00 - 14:00, Location: (4201.05.512 - PK 14.512 (former PK 14.6))

starts on 14 April 2023 (oder: 14/04/2023)

Co-Working? Isn't that just a fancy Instagram trend? Or another term for uninspired group work? And why another group work session anyway? Do I even need it for my professional future?

If you've asked yourself these or similar questions about our course title, you're probably one of those students who sometimes find group work at university to be annoying. Sure, group work can be quite nerve-racking. But they are still important for every degree programme sooner or later. When they succeed, they can bring success on very different levels, open unexpected perspectives and improve results.

In our course, we take a critical look at typical challenges and prejudices about group work. At the same time, we will give ourselves time to reflect on team dynamics and our own roles in a group. Together, we will look for new ways to make teamwork fun, inspiring and valuable. To do this, we ask experts from the world of work, experiment with tools and explore the limits of our comfort zones.

Would you like to turn the lowlight of group work into a highlight of your studies?

Dr Sophie Domann, Co³Learn & hive, Project House


Something with Media: Online Course

Was Mit Medien Onlinekurs

Online course I across semesters | 2-3 CP in the pool model

For students, diverse media use is part of everyday life, not only in their private lives but also as part of their studies. In this online course, students are given the opportunity to learn about media theory-based perspectives on the modern media world and to apply them both analytically and practically in everyday life. Methodologically, students can expect a mix of texts, videos, podcasts, web-based tasks, self-tests, discussion contributions and much more. The independent handling of the provided learning units allows students maximum time flexibility over the course of three semesters.

Since the winter semester of 2021/22, it is possible for all students to complete the online course with either 2 or 3 CP.

Registration and a start of participation is also possible at any time during the semester and throughout the entire term.

Maike Kempf, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig
Lisa Hofmann, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig

Online course winter semester 2022/23 (Start on 24.10.2022)


Something with Media: Future Skills

Was Mit Medfien Future Skills

Online course in the winter semester 2022/23 | semester-accompanying | 3 CP in the pool model

Starts on 26.10.2022

Future skills comprise important competences for living, learning, and working in a digitalised world. In this online course of the same name, students learn about digital tools, methods and theories for their studies and later careers. Oriented to the 4K model of learning, competences in the areas of communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking are discussed and strengthened. The course offers opportunities to apply the methods and theories on future skills in a practical setting and to learn and reflect on the use of digital tools.

Maike Kempf, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig
Lisa Hofmann, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig


Something with Media: For Engineers

Was Mit Medien für Ingenieure

Online seminar in the winter semester 2022/23 | biweekly, Wednesday: 08:00 – 09:30 | 3 CP in the pool model

Starts on 02.11.2022

Working in a team, presenting, visualising, communicating inter-culturally, working scientifically, managing projects, and dealing with data and copyright are all skills that are not just important in the field of engineering, but also in other fields and in later professional life. In these sessions, alternating experts provide background information and tools on various topics. Part of each unit is a practice-oriented task that is worked on in a self-learning phase between the online seminars, practising the use of the presented tools and applying and consolidating theoretical content.

Maike Kempf, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig
Lisa Hofmann, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig
Philipp Preuß, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig
Ann-Christin Dallinga, Information Literacy Unit, University Library, TU Braunschweig
Dr. Christina Neidert, International House, TU Braunschweig
Cedric Lachmann, The Why Guys GmbH, Braunschweig


Digital Literacy Certificate for Students

Dreiklang Digital Literacy Zertifikat

Finding one's way in a digital world, being able to fully exploit the potential of media, and being prepared for the working world of tomorrow with future skills - the term digital literacy encompasses all of these different aspects.

Since the winter semester 2021/22, students have the opportunity to obtain a certificate for their competence acquisition in the areas of media, information, and digital transformation. The certificate is aimed at students of all disciplines at TU Braunschweig and takes place as part of the courses in the interdisciplinary qualification (pool).

 Digital Literacy Certificate

Maike Kempf, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig
Lisa Hofmann, Team Teaching and Media Education, Project House TU Braunschweig

In cooperation with the University Library
and the Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik – Abteilung Informationsmanagement [Institute of Business Information Systems - Department of Information Management](wi²)

Do you have any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:


Team »Was mit Medien«


Teamfoto: Kempf, Maike

Maike Kempf

☎ + 49 531 391-14066

Teamfoto: Hofmann, Lisa

Lisa Hofmann

☎ + 49 531 391-14059

Teamfoto: Pedt, Ariane

Ariane Pedt (currently on maternity/parental leave)​​​​​​​