English Coaching Programme

English Coaching Programme

Welcome to the English Coaching Programme! The programme supports teachers and students of TU Braunschweig in the topics of presenting and teaching in English.


Presentations in English

Effective presentations are the key to success in your studies and at the workplace. Our goal is to help you improve your English presentation skills one step at a time.

Our English Coaching Programme will start with an analysis of your slides and your delivery. We will then provide you with advice and feedback on your presentation style, on the organization of your presentation, your title, your voice, as well as the vocabulary, spelling and grammar and other formalities. This is done in practice sessions and a dry run before you present. In the online meetings, we will work with you to make your introductions and conclusions more effective, to highlight the important messages in your slides or visuals and to set up good arguments that will be easy to follow for your audience.


These sessions are your chance to meet ‘one-on-one’ with an English coach with many years of experience in giving feedback on presentations and teaching English. Please book an appointment by sending an email to: e.scherelis@tu-braunschweig.de. Practice sessions can be scheduled on Wednesdays to Fridays, specific time slots to be set individually.


Please send your slides one week before the scheduled meeting.


In the meeting, the coach will ask you to give your presentation and you will receive feedback on both the presentation and your slides. You are not limited to only one meeting or practice session.

Teaching in English

Teaching in English is not simply translating your slides and presenting them in English. It means tailoring your content to an international student audience.

Good teaching in English involves not only being able to teach your content in English, to monitor your student audience, or to explain and go into detail on a specific subject matter; it also involves advising your students, assessing and/or testing your students, and giving feedback in English. This will additionally include navigating office hours and email communication in English. Last but not least, teaching in English also requires some intercultural awareness of issues that international students may have as well as intercultural communicative competence in handling these in a sensitive way.


We can help you along every step of the way: we are here to help you prepare for your first lessons/lectures in English, to practice classroom management and giving feedback, to advise students in office hours, and respond to emails.


Please arrange a personal meeting with our coach by email as a first step:

e.scherelis@tu-braunschweig.de. Practice sessions can be scheduled on Wednesdays to Fridays, specific time slots to be set individually.

Elvira Scherelis

☎ +49 531 391 5093

Office hours

Online office hours: Thu 15:00 - 16:00
Room 222, 2nd floor
Bültenweg 74
38106 Braunschweig


Current Changes

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