Performative Foreign Language Didactics in the EFL Classroom

Course content

Performative Didactics is inspired by performative arts (e.g., theatre, dance, musical, storytelling, circus, artistry, walking acts etc.) and uses their aesthetic methods and procedures for teaching and learning. Performativity has a tradition of more than fifty years in the artistic context and has now officially arrived in Foreign Language Didactics / Pedagogy. Thus, Performative Foreign Language Didactics not only deals with the scientific perspective of teaching and learning, but also with the artistic perspective and its discourses about performativity in order to teach and to learn a foreign language. The awareness that only learning with all senses is meaningful learning has already been recognized for a long time in several pedagogical fields. Therefore, advocates of drama and theatre pedagogical approaches in the FL classroom have already realised the enormous potential of combining theatre (pedagogy) as well as drama (pedagogy) with the acquisition of a foreign language. Through learning not only with one’s own head, heart and hands, but also with one’s own feet, students will be led and guided towards the English language.

In this seminar, participants will get to know the theoretical, methodological as well as didactic foundations of Performative Foreign Language Didactics and will deepen their knowledge through getting to know as well as trying a variety of performative methods and techniques. By looking at Performative Foreign Language Didactics’ history, research, principles, goals, competencies and didactical foundations (requirements, structure and phases, correction and assessment, issues and obstacles and ways of implementation), the participants will get an insight into performative teaching and learning and will learn how to apply it to the EFL classroom. All participants will receive a metaphorical performative tool suitcase that can be taken from classroom to classroom as well as from institution to institution.
With this in mind: Clear the stage for the EFL classroom!

Course requirements will be announced in the first session of the semester.


  • This course is open for the ZiEl-certificate TUBS (Zertifikat inklusiv Englisch lehren und lernen). Für nähere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Internetseite der Didaktik.
  • Dieser Kurs ist fast identisch zu dem Kurs „Performative Fremdsprachendidaktik im DaF/DaZ-Unterricht“ im Rahmen des Vertiefungsbereichs (D2) des Studienprogramms DaF/DaZ am Institut für Germanistik. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie diesen Kurs nur im Rahmen eines Moduls (M1 in Englisch oder D2 in DaF/DaZ) absolvieren können.


Course information

Code 4412643
Degree programme English Studies, MA
Lecturer(s) and contact person R. Freytag, M. Ed.
Type of course Exercise course
Semester Summer semester
Language of instruction English
Level of study Master
ECTS credits Please contact the lecturer