Mathematics for Engineers A (Calculus 1)

Course content

The students combine the learnt mathematical methods of univariate calculus and linear algebra in the description and investigation of applied problems in the engineering sciences. They choose appropriate calculation techniques and appropriate methods of proof for the discussion of the mathematical fundamentals in the applied and engineering sciences, and they apply these techniques and methods. The students explain the formation of mathematical concepts and they derive the motivation of these concepts from applications and from the mathematical specification and delimitation of terms and definitions. The students reproduce and explain basic proofs and ideas of proofs in univariate calculus and linear algebra. They are able to identify and to test relations between the learnt concepts. The students are able to analyse mathematical problems occurring in applications and engineering lectures, to extract and to solve treatable sub-problems and to identify continuative difficulties. Finally, students use constructively modern tools for the treatment of computational problems.


  1. sequences and limit: definitions and concepts, e.g. monotony and bounds, convergence criteria of comparison and of monotony, typical limits, Euler’s number e, accumulation point, limit superior, Bachmann-Landau notation, supremum, Cauchy sequence, basic properties of real numbers
  2. series: convergence and absolute convergence, geometric, harmonic and exponential series, comparison test, ratio test, root test, alternating series test with proofs
  3. functions: concepts, standard functions including hyperbolic and area functions, relation to trigonometric functions, inverse function, rational functions and partial fraction decomposition, graphical representation
  4. limits of functions and continuity: definition, properties of continuous functions, classification of discontinuities, intermediate value theorem, extreme value theorem with proof
  5. differentiation: difference and differential quotient, C^n-spaces and norms, product and chain rule, derivatives of standard functions, derivatives of inverse functions, mean value theorem, de l’Hospital’s rule with proof, extreme values, curvature Taylor polynomials and series
  6. integration: definit and indefinit integral (Riemann), fundamental theorem of calculus with proof, integration by parts, integration by substitution, integrals of standard functions, integrals of rational functions and power series, improper integrals, Gammafunction

Course information

Code 1294085
Degree programme(s) Sustainable Engineering of Products and Processes
Lecturer(s) and contact person Prof. Dr. Dirk Langemann
Type of course Lecture and exercise course
Semester Winter semester
Language of instruction English
Level of study Bachelor
ECTS credits 8