

Lab4Land-Accelerator in Wolfenbüttel started application phase

Do you have an idea that you are currently working on or have had in the drawer for a while and want to see if you can really get started with it? Then now is your chance. The Lab4Land Start-up Accelerator - an initiative of the city of Wolfenbüttel, the Wirtschaftsförderung im Land Wolfenbüttel GmbH and the DSTATION KreativCampus - is opening its application phase for 2024 and is looking for you!

Applications for this three-week programme are being accepted since June 2, 2024, and you have the chance to test your idea, learn all about business models, and start-ups and receive support from experts and experienced start-up founders.

The whole thing will take place from August 19 to September 6, 2024, at the modern DSTATION KreativCampus in Schöppenstedt, Wolfenbüttel district. Under the motto "Your idea, your vision, your start-up", you will have the opportunity to develop your ideas further and impress potential partners and investors at the big pitch and matching evening on September 6, 2024.

Don't worry - your idea doesn't have to be finalised and polished. That's what the programme is for. But don't waste any time: The application deadline is June 30, 2024 and places are limited. You can find out more about the programme here and apply directly here. Let's go, the organisation team is looking forward to your application as an individual or as a team and your idea.