Our overarching themes

HSE excellence


We are actively shaping the digital transformation and harnessing the potential of digitalisation in research, teaching and studying, transfer, and governance and administration to operate more efficiently and sustainably, and to support the heterogeneous lives of our university members.

In order to drive this transformation forward, we need the willingness to change on the part of all members of our university. In addition to training, contextual management tools, the willingness to standardise heterogeneous processes, and the adaptation of teaching and studying content, we need working environments that allow for flexible working and learning in terms of time and space, while continuing to facilitate personal exchange.


We see ourselves as a cosmopolitan, international and global research university, attractive to students, academics and staff from all over the world.

We attach great importance to exchange and experience in an international context and promote this at our university. Our central location in Europe's most research-intensive region makes us particularly attractive to international guests and shapes the intercultural study and working environment at our university.

The education at our university also offers our students both international content and international networks. These are the best prerequisites for a successful career in research as well as in business, politics and other areas of social life.

The internationalisation of our university also creates the basis for successfully attracting desirable cooperation partners, committed students and outstanding academics.

Equality & Diversity

Equality means equal opportunities for all genders.

Diversity describes the variety of individuals or groups and stands for a conscious and appreciative approach to social diversity.

At our university this means we value the individuality of all students, teachers and staff. We create an environment where everyone can study and work together without discrimination. We identify and actively remove barriers and discrimination, thereby promoting equal opportunities and diversity.

We are committed to promoting equal opportunities in higher education for all genders and all individuals, regardless of their background, and to reducing structural inequalities.

Knowledge Exchange

By transfer strategy we mean the exchange of ideas, research results and skills, whether with other research organisations, companies or non-profit and public institutions.

Knowledge exchange is an essential part of our transfer strategy. We act regionally, nationally and globally by consciously strengthening the exchange of knowledge in different directions. Only in this way can we fulfil our social mission as a university.

Joint knowledge exchange projects with our various partners enable us to expand our access to numerous knowledge communities, data sets, expertise and technologies.

The aim is to significantly increase the scope of our services by integrating knowledge exchange tools.