Data Protection

Privacy Policy

Purpose of data processing

The graduate academy Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS is a central department for cross-disciplinary further education and interfaculty programmes for the scientific and professional development of doctoral researchers. With the Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS, the University of Braunschweig aims to provide its scientists with comprehensive and individual support during their doctoral studies.

All PhD students of TU Braunschweig and HBK, who have their main doctoral supervisor at TU Braunschweig or HBK and who do their PhD according to the PhD regulations of one of the faculties of TU Braunschweig or HBK can register for the Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS.

Through their registration, doctoral researchers are allowed to

  1. use the interdisciplinary qualification programme of GradTUBS free of charge,
  2. use the coaching progamme for doctoral researchers free of charge,
  3. participate in interdisciplinary exchange and networking events,
  4. participate in the development of the interdisciplinary qualification programme,
  5. receive certificates of attendance for the training courses attended,
  6. register for the newsletter with targeted information on events, announcements and activities of GradTUBS
  7. consult the GradTUBS team regarding the recognition of interdisciplinary achievements in the context of their doctoral studies.

The collection of personal data is necessary in order to use the services of Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS .

Method of data processing

The data is processed via an online form for PhD researchers.1 Only GradTUBS employees are authorized to access the form. The following data is transmitted to the Stud.IP support of TU Braunschweig, in order to complete the registration for GradTUBS and to assign doctoral researchers to the study program "Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS" in Stud.IP: Last name, first name, e-mail, user ID.

Voluntariness/cancellation/legal consequences

The application for the registration at the graduate academy GradTUBS along with its associated processing (collection, storage, modification, use) of personal data is voluntary. Consent can be refused and revoked for the future at any time without reason.

In case of a refusal of consent to the data marked with * or revocation of consent, registration with the graduate academy GradTUBS is not possible; it will therefore expire with the date of revocation. In the event of revocation, all personal data to which the revocation refers will be deleted in accordance with the data protection regulations.


1 Processing in the sense of collection, storage, modification, anonymization, use and deletion.