Application workshops for overseas exchange programmes

30 October 2024, 09:30 - 11:00 [Beratung, Austauschprogramme, Auslandspraktikum, Auslandsstudium]

You want to apply for an overseas programme of TU Braunschweig? In our workshop, we will show you which documents are required and what you have to look out for when formulating your CV and Statement of Purpose.

The workshops are offered as a webinar. Please be in the meeting room at the above mentioned time. You will need a web-enabled device to participate in the webinar.

Link to the webinar

The application deadline for our overseas exchange programmes (northern hemisphere) for the academic year 2025 is 15 November 2024.

Workshop dates for applications for the southern hemisphere will be offered again from the end of March 2025.



Dr. Ute Kopka
International House
Tel. 0531/391 14335 